PROGRESS Song Lyrics


Are you looking for PROGRESS Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.


As heavy as my bones were
I wanna feel myself get high, high
Come home to

As light as your grace was
I don’t wanna feel myself come down
High, don’t come home

As heavy as my bones were
I don’t wanna feel myself get high
Come home to, to

As light as your grace was
I don’t wanna feel myself come down
High, come, come home

As heavy as your bones were
I don’t wanna feel myself get high, high
Come home to

As light as your grace was
I don’t wanna feel myself come down
High, come home to

As heavy as my bones were
I don’t wanna feel myself get high, high, high

As light as your grace was
I don’t wanna feel myself come down
High, come home to

As heavy as my bones were
I don’t wanna feel myself get high
I come home to

As light as your grace was
I don’t wanna feel myself come down
I don’t come to

As heavy as your bones were
I don’t wanna feel myself get high
I come home to

As light as your grace was
I don’t wanna feel myself come down
I don’t come home to

As heavy as your bones were
I don’t wanna feel myself get high
I come home to

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As light as your grace was
I don’t wanna feel myself come down
I don’t come home to

As heavy as your bones were
I don’t wanna feel myself get high
I, come, home, to

As light as your grace was
I don’t wanna feel myself come down
I come

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