Are you looking for Prescribing Horror Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Prescribing Horror by Exodus
Discarded, deformed
Babies of the chemical age
Mutated, some unborn
Dying in their fetal cage
On the day of the nativity in ’56
Comes a child forsaken
The first of a hundred thousand
Cursed by a drug they’d taken
Condemned to a life unkind
As they suffered in silence
The Hell of Thalidomide
All in the name of science
A mother’s ruin
All for another’s greed
Prescribing horror and sorrow when they breed
Miscarriage, disparage
Live a life of anguish
Midwives were taking lives
So the child it would not languish
Suffocating newborn daughters and sons
For their malformations
Given toxic poison
That twisted a generation
Condemned to a life unkind
As they suffered in silence
The Hell of Thalidomide
All in the name of science
A mother’s ruin
All for another’s greed
Prescribing horror and sorrow when they breed
First created in the past
As an antidote for Sarin gas
Created in camps of death
What price a pound of flesh?
Limbless, eyeless
All organs displaced
They made money hand over fist
By selling this toxic waste
Condemned to a life unkind
As they suffered in silence
The Hell of Thalidomide
All in the name of science
A mother’s ruin
All for another’s greed
Prescribing horror and sorrow when they breed
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