Are you looking for Poison Blood Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Poison Blood by Darren Hayes
Robin had it
My Mother has it
My Grandma had it
I guess I got it too
And once you’ve got it
It drains emotions
It sinks your feelings and all the life rafts too
Ooh I got to have you
But I don’t wanna pass on to you my poison blood
Poison Blood
Ooh I got to have you
But poison blood poisons all the love
Ooh I won’t let it get you, no
Lincoln had it
My Brother has it
My Nephew had it
I guess I got it too
And once you’ve got it
It fills an ocean with fear and loathing and devastation too
Ooh I got to have you
But I don’t wanna pass on to you my poison blood
Poison blood
Oooh I got to have you but poison blood poisons all the love
Ooh I won’t let it get you, boy
And it’s not that I don’t wanna live
It’s the pain that I wish I could kill
All the times that I wanted to die
I made a choice I was gonna survive
It’s a blessing a gift and a curse
Every day’s a decision to stay with my poison blood
Poison blood
Ooh I got to have you
But poison blood poisons all the love
Ooh I won’t let it get you, no
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