Phobias Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Phobias Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Phobias by Johnny Orlando

I know it’s probably in my head
But you gotta me checking under the bed
For you, I’m a nervous wreck for you
I’m a little paranoid
And you know that I’ve been I’m avoiding you
Baby I’m a mess its true

And I don’t like falling
Cause I’ve never
Been good with heights
And not being right
But maybe I’m stalling
Cause I never made any time
For you and I

I’ve been hurt before
And that’s why I close the door
Scared of the dark
And broken hearts
(I got phobias)
I can’t let you in
Cause I’m crawling in my skin
Oh I’ve been scarred
By broken hearts
(I got phobias)

I was drowning then
Turns out I was in the shallow end
And I, had no reason why
Yeah, tossed and turned all night
Wish I wouldn’t let the bed bugs bite me I
Let nightmares run my mind

And I don’t like falling
Cause I’ve never
Been good with heights
And not being right
But maybe I’m stalling
Cause I never made any time
For you and I

I’ve been hurt before
And that’s why I close the door
Scared of the dark
And broken hearts
I got phobias
I can’t let you in
Cause I’m crawling in my skin
Oh I’ve been scarred
By broken hearts
I got phobias

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I’ve been here for years
They’ve been holding me down
But my fear is that you won’t stick around
For years
They’ve been holding me down
But my fear is that you won’t stick around

I’ve been hurt before
And that’s why I close the door
Scared of the dark
And broken hearts
I got phobias
I can’t let you in
Cause I’m crawling in my skin
Oh I’ve been scarred
By broken hearts
I got phobias

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