Philomena Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Philomena Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Philomena by Decemberists

[Verse:] Oh, Philomena, are you in a? Gown
Lean to your window, lets slip a ribbon down
If you’re do your? If only you’ll let me go
Down, down down
Long sunny days can lead to lazy vices
Boys are behind, will laugh to their own devices
Open up your? And laugh and let me go
Down, down down
[Chorus:] All I ever wanted in the world was just to live to see a naked girl
But I found I’ve quickly bored, I wanted more, I wanted more
[Verse 2:] So I’ll be your candle and I’ll be your statuette
I’ll be your lash and loop of leather and dark
Philomena, if only you’ll let me go
Down, down down
[Chorus:] All I ever wanted in the world was just to live to see a naked girl
But I found I’ve quickly bored, I wanted more, oh, so much more
[Verse 2:] So I’ll be your candle and I’ll be your statuette
I’ll be your lash and loop of leather and dark
Philomena, if only you’ll let me go
Down, down down

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