Perfuction Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Perfuction Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Perfuction by Deap Vally

There ain’t no model citizen
Not in Bangladesh or Berlin
It’s the same sh*t, sh*t we all live in

Perfuction, perfuction, perfuction


Dirty dishes, clothes on the floor
Haven’t showered in days and I sleep till four
Try to keep it together but f**k it, whatever
I’m a mess but I’m clever, so f**k it, whatever


Perfuction junction, what’s your function?
Perfuction junction, what’s your function?
Perfuction junction, what’s your function?
Perfuction junction, what, what, what, what

Wasting precious seconds of your life
Gonna f**king kill yourself if you don’t get it right
You’re such a winner, you always have control
Perfuction gonna come at you and make you pay the toll


Perfuction junction, what’s your function?
I can’t function at this luncheon
Every octopus has suction
Every bad b**ch has perfuction

I don’t worry ’cause everything’s in place
Oh, I don’t worry ’cause I always win the race
Oh, I don’t worry ’cause I never have a doubt
It’s called perfuction and it’s what I’m all about

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