Past Mistakes Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Past Mistakes Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Past Mistakes by Goo Goo Dolls

No one can help you now
You ain’t willing to learn, not then, not now
You’re going slow, not standing still
You’re ripe upon your window sill

You’re growing through what you’re going through
You’re innocent till you know it’s true
You fill your glass and tip your cup
It’s just the price of growing up

Your past mistakes and tragedies are laying bare in front of me
Waiting for a spark to kill the cold
Your past mistakes and tragedies exposed

Sometimes you won’t speak for days
But nothing burns like hidden rage
Not every scar is visible
Walk gently in the time you fill

Your past mistakes and tragedies are laying bare in front of me
Waiting for a spark to kill the cold
Your past mistakes and tragedies, the reason you’re mistrusting me
Watching as it casually unfolds
But what goes on inside, we’ll never know
Your past mistakes and tragedies exposed

If every day just followed a script
With all you love worked into it
Would you ever feel warm enough
Or is it just the price of growing up?

Your past mistakes and tragedies are laying bare in front of me
Waiting for a spark to kill the cold
Your past mistakes and tragedies are laying bare, disgusting me
Watching as it casually unfolds
But what goes on inside, we’ll never know
Your past mistakes and tragedies exposed

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