Passenger Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Passenger Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Passenger by Interpol

I’m on the other side of make-believe
If I go unchecked what will the world make of me
I don’t feel hunted but I fear faithfully
I would never cheat
But I might take advances

These little statements
Are mere replacements
For something they stole
Times I was laughed at
When I’d fall into a hole
And fade into a flashback
Real close…

Free from these fables
We can grow
And blossom into bodies
Too frail to hold
As I commit to this high wall of love
Will I ever sleep
While I wait for the world to give it all back?

There’s nothing so sacred
I ain’t tried to chase it
I need something to hold
Someone to grasp at
When I fall into a hole
With a mountain on my back
Real close…

Save me I’m in my head
Save me I’m in my head
Please you know why
Please you know why


There’s nothing so sacred
I ain’t tried to chase it
I need something to hold
Someone to grasp at
When I fall into a hole
And fade into a flashback
Real close…

Save me I’m in my head
Save me I’m in my head
Please you know why
Please you know why


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