Pain Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Pain Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Pain by Marcus King

[Verse 1] I’m looking for a dollar
Something just to get me through tonight
Made me wanna hollar
I know that I can’t afford to fight
A message in a bottle
I’ve been searching for it one by one
There’s something in the water
Reminds me of the damage that you’ve done

[Chorus] Pain won’t go away
I keep pulling this mask up over my face
Hide the pain, so easy to see
I got the pain written all over me
[Verse 3] I used to be a diamond
Now I’m just a rolled up dollar bill
Using like I’m dyin’
Guess that’s why my heart just won’t be still
It sure can take a beating
Pounding out my sorrow like a drum
Help me stop this bleeding
If you go and leave me then I’m done

[Chorus] Hey, I got the pain it won’t go away
I keep pulling this mask up over my face
Hide the pain, so easy to see
I got the pain written all over me

[Chorus] I got the pain, it won’t go away
I keep pulling a mask up over my face
Hide the pain, so easy to see
I got the pain written all over me

[Outro] It won’t go away
I keep pulling this mask up over my face
Hide the pain, so easy to see
I got the pain written all over
Pain written all over
Pain written all over me
Written all over me
Can’t you see

READ MORE:  Lost Song Lyrics

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