Pa Pa Power Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Pa Pa Power Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Pa Pa Power by Cat Power

Burn the streets, burn the cars
Broken glass, but what about a broken heart?
Please make me better
Please make me powerful

Burn the streets, burn the cars
Broken glass, but what about our broken hearts?
What about our power?
What about our power?

We won’t destroy
No, we cannot destroy
Our power
We won’t destroy
No, we cannot destroy
Oh, our power

You asked how
How do we gonna do
As it’s breaking down

How do we really do it
As it’s breaking down, now

Burn the streets, burn the cars
Broken glass, yes
Broken dreams, yes
But what about our broken hearts?
What about power?
What about all of our power?

How do we gonna do
As it’s breaking down
How do we really do it
As it’s breaking down
What about power?
Power, power
What about all the power?

That is how
I hope you figure that one out

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