Outlaw Love Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Outlaw Love Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Outlaw Love by Districts

You used to love me
Like I was the only one
Now you find me
Cracking up and falling apart

You adored me
You destroyed me
That outlaw love

Now we’re broken
Heaven in my sights
Heaven in my sights
My gun was always smoking

Red-handed in the night, red-handed
Like we’d never even spoken
Heaven in my sights
Heaven in my sights
Heaven knows

You adored me
You destroyed me
That outlaw love

Thought you were in love
It was fool’s gold honey
Thought you were in love
It was highway robbery

Now you haunt me
Every promise like a curse
Every memory like you never could’ve loved me

So foolish that it hurts
So foolish just to want your arms around me
Heaven in my sights
Heaven in my sights
Heaven in my sights
Heaven in my sights
Heaven knows

You adored me
You destroyed me
That outlaw love

You adored me
You adored me
You adored me
You adored me
That outlaw love

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