Older Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Older Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Older by Gracie Abrams

Pinch me now
You’re caught in my crossfire
Fell into my arms but they got tired
We were so good, weren’t we?
Till it just stopped working

Almost like we tore out the same page and
Left a lot of room for new mistakes
You never quite let me in
When you felt cracks again

I stopped waving a flag
I just dropped all caring for that
I went quiet
And you got cold
Guess that happened
When we got older

Humor me
Could taking a break be the better thing?
Just letting each other breathe
Won’t you just look at me?
Or am I too draining?

You spent hours awake holding back
I know I’m to blame for the small talk and tip toeing over
Guess that happened when we got older

You spent hours awake holding back
I know I’m to blame for the small talk and tip toeing over
Guess that happened when we got older

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