Oh, I Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Oh, I Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Oh, I by Nathaniel Rateliff

Oh, I
I’ve got the rhythm and I can feel
And I feel it come in waves
Until the morning, we can’t stand still
I’ve gone from empty to overfilled

And in the morning when you cannot wake
Cover your eyes when you’re afraid
It’s a part of every song you sang
Tell me I’ve been

Oh, I
I’ve got the feeling that I can heal
It’s in the willingness to be still
And I feel it come in waves
It’s a feeling that has to change

I can’t just stand and wait
Heaven, I’ve been wrong
What more can one face
Just to stumble on?

Tell me I’ve been
War in me, tearing me
War in me, it’s tearing me
War in me, it’s tearing me
War in me, tearing me down
War in me, tearing me
War in me, tearing me
War in me, tearing me

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