Are you looking for Oaths Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Oaths by Johanna Warren
You oughtta get some rest
So I’ll stop talking, I’ll go
And I’ll wish you the very best
But how far down does it go?
Beneath the wounds are deeper wounds
I told you so
We danced close to the blade
We cut it off and I stopped and I stood
And I bowed my head and I prayed
To the unseen forces
To wash us clean and please divorce us
From our pain
O wise, mighty waves
What wicked winds have whipped us into shapes
So monstrous and depraved?
And what oaths must we take
To be absolved and rendered
Ready and awake?
Old friend, I forgot
Your true name, I got confused
And mixed it up with one I was taught
But that sound rang hollow, I never was convinced
You are much more than that
We were born for more than this
You are much more than that
We were born for more than this
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