Now It’s Time To Go Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Now It’s Time To Go Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Now It’s Time To Go by Stig Benson

Well the lights so clear and we’re full of fear on what that future holds,
And I’m scared to say it’ll be okay cause of what we’ve all been told.

And we try and we try just to get by and not let em get us down,
Don’t you know, it’ll be alright? Don’t you know, it’ll be alright?

Now it’s time to go, we had the time of our life,
And that’s alright cause we have to find our own paths.
And don’t forget the friends you made and the promises you kept,
And don’t forget the ones you love and the ones that loved you.

Well the lights so clear and we’re full of fear on what that future holds,
And I’m scared to say it’ll be okay cause of what we’ve all been told.

And we try and we try just to get by and not let em get us down,
Don’t you know, it’ll be alright? Don’t you know, it’ll be alright?

You’re trying to find home.
You’re trying to find home.
You’re trying to find home.
You’re trying to find home.

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There were very few who said I believe in you,
And I will try my best just to prove em wrong.

And we’re still climbing up this hill, cause all we’ve got is time to kill.
Making memories in our heads, like once before.

Well the lights so clear and we’re full of fear on what that future holds,
And I’m scared to say it’ll be okay cause of what we’ve all been told.

And we try and we try just to get by and not let em get us down,
Don’t you know, it’ll be alright? Don’t you know, it’ll be alright?

You’re trying to find home.
You’re trying to find home.
You’re trying to find home.
You’re trying to find home.

Crawling like a tiger inside your heavy heart.
We can make believe if we’d try.

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