Nocturnal Light Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Nocturnal Light Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Nocturnal Light by Queensryche

What’s become of you, what’s become of me, and all we breathe

Cold soul no visitors (in the chambers tonight)
You breathe the cost of your demise
Your soul to take in plain sight
No spoken word but always there

Don’t need no trigger to waste you away
Your words will fall casting memories of shade
These empty crowds and falling stars

And time and time again lost in emptiness
A victim of circumstance, you leave no stone

Play the role this masquerade
You speak your mind do as your told
No time to waste in plain sight
Stand all alone, no breath of air

A broken sinner with a halo of gold
An open mind as the secrets unfold
The pendulum will swing tonight

And time and time again lost in emptiness
A victim of circumstance, you leave no stone

No, No

You thrive and revel but who’s to blame
A vicious circle in your own parade

And time and time again lost in emptiness
A victim of circumstance, you leave no stone

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