Are you looking for No Justice, No Peace Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
No Justice, No Peace by Doc Jazz
Like a sea
Without shores
Like a home
Without doors
Like a meadow
Without grass
Like a window
Without glass
It takes much more than words to achieve
So much more than a promise to believe
No justice, no peace
No justice, no peace
It is crystal clear to anyone who sees
Without justice there never will be peace
Like a heart
That never beats
Like a city
Without streets
Like a safe
Without a lock
Like no digits
On a clock
It takes much more than words to achieve
So much more than a promise to believe
No justice, no peace
No justice, no peace
It is crystal clear to anyone who sees
Without justice there never will be peace
Like a forest
Without trees
Like a hive
Without bees
Like a wheel
That is square
Like a fur
Without hair
It takes much more than words to achieve
So much more than a promise to believe
No justice, no peace
No justice, no peace
It is crystal clear to anyone who sees
Without justice there never will be peace
What was stolen
Has to be returned
Or the lesson
Never will be learned
There’s no peace
On this we will insist
Without justice
We’ll continue to resist
It takes much more than words to achieve
So much more than a promise to believe
No justice, no peace
No justice, no peace
It is crystal clear to anyone who sees
Without justice there never will be peace
To Palestine we shall return
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