Are you looking for Nihil Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Nihil by Goatwhore
Evolve from the insult of life
Indistinct thought of reason
Existence on the edge of a knife
Common sense is out of season
Symbolic inner conflict
Entombed in a scream
Self-worth kneels in darkness at the corner of a room
Bitter fate awaits
Empty conviction
Lacking inner peace
Emotion’s condition
Humanity is the vermin of this emotional distress
Committing of sins that will never be confessed
Bonds of normalcy
Like maggots at a feast
A prison of veracity
Increasing despair of fate
Take the poison
Eradicate desire
Fattened with resent
Swine of discontent
Destitute feelings
Like a knife to the back
Ethics broken down
Existence at the end of a rope
Nihilistic landscape crowded with neglect
The noose is made by a trail of regret
Down this path of bad luck at the end of reject
Empty devotion stretched across the face of disrespect
We all stand atop this rotten decay called life
Purpose versus substance
The final time has come
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