My Name Song Lyrics


Are you looking for My Name Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

My Name by Mark Tuan

Touched down in LA
Just got off the plane
Fans all in your face
Just another day
Pull off in a sprinter
Nobu for dinner
Damn it’s almost showtime
I can’t wait to see ya

Everyone’s waiting for me
The line is out the door
And Imma give em what they came for
Every single night let’s go

Lights go up
It’s all sold out
The music’s loud
And the crowd is screaming now
It’s my time now
So Imma show out
Yeah I love the sound
Of the crowd screaming out
My name my name, oh
From the front to the back say it loud
My name my name, oh
From the front to the back say it loud
My name my name

Now we off to the next show
Manila, Thailand, up to Tokyo
Out in London and Paris they always stopping and staring
Cause I got fans in the area everywhere I go
But I’ll stop for a pic
Sound checks at 6 so it’s gotta be quick
Yeah, that’s how it’s gotta go when you moving like this
But I’ll see you in a bit, don’t trip
Cause you know that

Everyone’s waiting for me
The line is out the door
And Imma give em what they came for
Every single night let’s go

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Lights go up
It’s all sold out
The music’s loud
And the crowd is screaming now
It’s my time now
So Imma show out
Yeah I love the sound
Of the crowd screaming out
My name my name, oh
From the front to the back say it loud
My name my name, oh
From the front to the back say it loud
My name my name

Crown on my head
Just for the moment
Crowds in my hand
How long can I hold em
Lemme see your hands
Everyone throw em up
Cause it’s about to go down when

Lights go up
It’s all sold out
The music’s loud
And the crowd is screaming now
It’s my time now
So Imma show out
Yeah I love the sound
Of the crowd screaming out
My name my name, oh
From the front to the back say it loud
My name my name, oh
From the front to the back say it loud
My name my name

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