Are you looking for My Love Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
My Love by Ladyhawke
I’m more than a fantasy
I’m shouting for nobody
You build up a sympathy
And then you feel lost at sea
I’d rather be hurt than be ignored
I’m running in circles but I’m bored
Of all the apologies
I’m naked for nobody, oh
Don’t it make you sad to lose my love?
The beating of my heart is not enough
You know you’re gonna lose my love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
I’m watching an old TV
I’m stuck on reality
This one girl’s a wannabe
But the other’s in agony
They’re finding a love to be explored
They’d rather be hurt than be ignored
It’s all that we had, you see
It’s still all the same to me, oh
Don’t it make you sad to lose my love?
The beating of my heart is not enough
You know you’re gonna lose my love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
Waiting for my love, waiting for my lover
Waiting for my love, waiting for my lover
Waiting for my love, waiting for my lover
Waiting for my love, waiting for
You know you’re gonna lose my love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love
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