Middle Of Nowhere Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Middle Of Nowhere Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Middle Of Nowhere by Adam Fears

No one for miles and miles around
Lets throw a blanket on the ground
I love to watch ya let your hair fall down
And the crickets singin, I kinda like that sound, yeah
Got the stars and the moon, got the wine and the mood
No tellin’ what we’ll get into
Lost in the middle of nowhere
Goin’ everywhere
Takin’ it somewhere
Better than anywhere
The middle of nowhere
There’s something in the air
Lets find what’s out there, out there
Lost in the middle of nowhere
I love bein’ this far gone
I love this ride you got me on
Don’t worry about findin’ our way home
Cause girl I think we’re right where we belong
Yeah I’m lost in your eyes and I’m lost in your kiss
Don’t it feel good to be this
Lost in the middle of nowhere
Goin’ everywhere
Takin’ it somewhere
Better than anywhere
The middle of nowhere
There’s something in the air
Lets find what’s out there, out there
Lost in the middle of nowhere
It’s just you and me
Girl ain’t it great to be
Lost in the middle of nowhere
Goin’ everywhere
Takin’ it somewhere
Better than anywhere
The middle of nowhere
There’s something in the air
Lets find what’s out there, out there
Lost in the middle of nowhere
Goin’ everywhere
Takin’ it somewhere
Better than anywhere
The middle of nowhere
There’s something in the air
Lets find what’s out there, out there
Lost in the middle of nowhere
Lost in the middle of nowhere

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