Loaded Gun Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Loaded Gun Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Loaded Gun by Deepest Blue

Love, hate, is that your heart on your sleeve again?
But sometimes love and sometimes pain but when you smile at me, we make the perfect circuit again.
Dark, light, you’re all those things in just one day, in twenty-four hours you’re another shade,
But when you smile at me, we make the perfect circuit again.
Here comes the rain again, here comes the sunshine, you are the falling leaves, that turn into spring time, but when you smile and you laugh and you dance with me, I get so choked so I can’t breathe, live only young.
What’s a man supposed to do? You’re so black then white, you’re like a loaded gun.
Ice, fire, you’re all those things inside my head and if you stopped would I forgive?
But when you smile at me, we make the perfect circuit again.
Here comes the rain again, here comes the sunshine, you are the falling leaves, that turn into spring time, but when you smile and you laugh and you dance with me, I get so choked so I can’t breathe, live only young.
What’s a man supposed to do? You’re so black then white, you’re like a loaded gun.
Here comes the rain again, here comes the sunshine, you are the falling leaves, that turn into spring time, but when you smile and you laugh and you dance with me, I get so choked so I can’t breathe, live only young.

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