Are you looking for Like You Used To Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Like You Used To by Jordana
[Intro] Come on back to me
[Verse 1] There’s a million things in the worldI should be thinking of right now
Except for this, except for this
Maybe I could write the words out to bring them forward
But I don’t think that it’s possible
At least at the moment
[Refrain] Wait for it like you used to
It comes naturally, it just takes a few [Verse 2] Months or years
Even a second
Remember when you were younger
It takes time
And it’s easier if you actually try
I know this
I need this
To come on back to me [Refrain] Wait for it like you used to
It comes naturally, it just takes a few [Chorus] I want this
I know this
I need this
To come on back to me
I need this to come on back to me
I need this to come on back to me
I want this
I know this
I need this
To come on back to me [Outro] Come on back to me
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