Like I Am Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Like I Am Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Like I Am by Ásgeir

There were times I couldn’t see it through
But now I can see you
Close my eyes under the midnight sun
Please make me whole as I can be
Although I’m far from being ethereal
I still believe my heart’s pure
I really never meant to hurt no one
Oh it was never meant to be

You said “no need to think it through
We’ve done that many times
Either find somebody new
Or love me like I am
Don’t waste my time too long
Just love me as I am
In the darkest night
And the bright daylight

We gunned a hole through every ridge and slope
So the earth began to bleed
And the sky was wrapped in bittersweet
Tattered maroon colored clouds

You said “no need to think it through
We’ve done that many times
Either find somebody new
Or love me like I am
Don’t waste my time too long
Just love me as I am
In the darkest night
And the bright morning light

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