Let Them Know Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Let Them Know Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Let Them Know by Mabel

Nails shining like Christmas
Heels on six inches
Waist cinched, Mugler fit
You can’t have this
You can’t hit this

I got a new man in my business
And he all about his business
And his name ain’t none of your business
Oh, oh, oh

Pin up girl on that poster
Say So like I’m Doja
Body shape Coca-Cola

I got a new man in my business
And he all about his business
And his name ain’t none of your business
Oh, oh, oh

Let them know
Oh baby, let them know
‘Cause they can run their mouth
But I’ma stand and pose for you
Let them know
Go ‘head and flip that switch
No, they can’t beat you down
‘Cause, baby, you’re that b**ch

Lips pink like peaches
Money long like beaches
Rolls Royce screeching
Rolex gleaming
Blonde hair, yeah, I bleached it
You can call me Khaleesi
I stay up on my queen sh*t
Up here the haters look teeny tiny, ooh

Let them know
Oh baby, let them know
‘Cause they can run their mouth
But I’ma stand and pose for you
Let them know
Go ‘head and flip that switch
No, they can’t beat you down
‘Cause, baby, you’re that b**ch

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(Baby, you’re that b**ch
Baby, you’re that
You’re that b**ch
Baby, you’re that
You’re that b**ch
Baby, you’re that
Baby, you’re that)
You’re that b**ch

All my girls feel the bass line
Ponytail to the waist line
Throw it back, baby, take time
Money talks and I make mine
All my girls feel the bass line
Ponytail to the waist line
Throw it back, baby, take time
Money talks and I make mine

Let them know
Oh baby, let them know
‘Cause they can run their mouth
But I’ma stand and pose for you
Let them know
Go ‘head and flip that switch
No, they can’t beat you down
‘Cause, baby, you’re that b**ch

Let them know
Oh baby, let them know
‘Cause they can run their mouth
But I’ma stand and pose for you
Let them know
Go ‘head and flip that switch
No, they can’t beat you down
‘Cause, baby, you’re that b**ch

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