Let Go Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Let Go Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Let Go by Rigby

I could spend a million years
Waiting on a day someone will step into and call the blame
For the chooses that I made
I heard the news felt to the ground
You leave what it so

I let go what it came of me
Let go of everything I wanted to be
I let go and take a look around a
And all I found a place cold now
A place cold now

I could spend a million years
With feels what may come and chose to fill
Had a way for future and left all without a sound
Without a true

I heard the news felt to the ground
You leave what it so

I let go what it came of me
Let go of everything I wanted to be
I let go and take a look around a
And all I found a place cold now
A place cold now
A place cold now
A place cold now

You leave what it so
I let go what it came of me
Let go of everything I wanted to be
I let go and take a look around a
And now I found, and now I found
I let go what it came of me
I let go of everything you want me to be

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