Lessons for Mutants Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Lessons for Mutants Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Lessons for Mutants by Johanna Warren

Wanna hear what’s in my head?
Holy spirits hovering over my bed
Colors blurring into pure white
Warm hands return me to the light
Made the journey safe and sound
Bury my yearning in the ground
I am learning

He just called to say
He still don’t know
Try the new way
Love him and let him go
The sweetness of surrender
Is real love I must remember
Saw behind the rage to your pain
At a tender age
Burgundy as a bloodstain
And I forgive you, your circumstance
Lord knows it’s not my life to live anymore
And I cannot afford to take the chance
I’d go overboard

Now free of yesterday
All my stories flicker and fade away
Into dust, revealing
Not who I thought was
Layers peeling, ancient feeling
Born from our mothers’ bloodlust
Rebuilding trust, ask me anything
Or tell me if you must

You who thought you knew me back when
Watch the fire burn through me, I’m born again
And should you ever be fully realized
Come find me, join in the revelries of butterflies

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