Are you looking for Last Crawl Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Last Crawl by Municipal Waste
Who ordered some more drinks, can’t you see I’m struggling
I was trying to leave right now
Can’t you tell by the lean, I was feeling hungry
Already officially plowed
I’m just kind of dreading, I wake up somewhere wondering
Just what the f**k I have done
Acting like a bastard, I pick and choose my battles
This officially isn’t one
Pick me up when I fall
Watch our back when trouble calls
Embrace the carnage forget the laws
Are you down for the last crawl?
I guess I’m here till the end, counting on my third wind
Should have paced myself smarter
Accidental bender, I just won’t surrender
I’ll just have to go harder
Pick me up when I fall
Watch our back when trouble calls
Embrace the carnage, forget the laws
Are you down for the last crawl?
Are you down
For the last crawl?
Are you down
For the last crawl?
Are you down
For the last crawl?
Are you down
For the last crawl?
One more round
For the last crawl
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