Knife Through Butterfly Heart Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Knife Through Butterfly Heart Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Knife Through Butterfly Heart by The Cult

Boy fell out the sky
Crashed into the ground
The witness gathered ’round
To see my bloody crown

In that summer
Roll back to mother
In that summer
Roll back to the mother

Runnin’ through the crowd
Shapeless like a shroud
Witness gathered ’round
To see my shattered crown

Oh, that summer
Roll back to mother
In that summer
Roll back to the mother

And we’re runnin’ now
In the scattered sun
The jealousies unspoken
Memory awoken

Love is all around
All around this love
Chaos of the crowd
Everything allowed

The heart is deceitful above all things
With the
The pain that true love brings
Then how we
We reach toward the truth
Oh, magnificent love is pure

A knife split your heart

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