Kept Up Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Kept Up Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Kept Up by Empress Of

I can’t help but fantasize about you
Although we haven’t met
Close my eyes and think of who you’d be
Hold me till you take my breath
You haven’t hurt me, haven’t said those things
To make me feel upset
You haven’t told me, it’s all you can be
I want you to keep me

Kept up
Dreaming about if
You could be better
No one knows yet
Kept up
Dreaming about if
You could be better
No one knows yet

I can’t help but fantasize about you
Patient and you got my best
Want me all the time to give you love
Hold me closer to your chest
You haven’t hurt me, haven’t let me down
Made me such a wreck
You haven’t told me, it’s all you can be
I want you to keep me

Kept up
Dreaming about if
You could be better
No one knows yet
Kept up
Dreaming about if
You could be better
I want you to keep me

Kept up
Dreaming about if
You could be better
No one knows yet
Kept up
Dreaming about if
You could be better
I want you to keep me

(I want you to keep me)
(I want you to keep me)
(I want you to keep me)

READ MORE:  13 Song Lyrics

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