Are you looking for Jimmy’s Always Dreaming Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Jimmy’s Always Dreaming by Tiffany Hulse
Jimmy’s always dreaming of paradise.
Every picture in the magazines looks so nice.
He’s looking for an island that will suit him right.
Jimmy’s still looking for paradise.
[Verse 1]
So he set out to sea in a sailboat he stole.
The second day out, the weather did take it’s toll.
Jimmy’s old boat, it did spring a leak.
He pulled the cork from the rum and started to drink.
[Verse 2]
Your boat’s still afloat, and what a surprise.
Land ho there it is right before your eyes.
Jim was a character, he had no class.
Spotting that island, he never rowed so fast.
[Verse 3]
Jim, he didn’t realize, you can’t oversee.
The fact that the ocean’s much bigger than he.
Now he’s stuck on an island, that’s where he belongs.
He wouldn’t leave for the world, his past is gone.
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