Are you looking for Jester Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Jester by Vundabar
Just ’cause you’re dressed up like a rodeo clown
A succulent in the desert using spikes to keep out
What the water kept in, so when the makeup grew thin
Oh, the kiss the sun left was a burn
But I heard what you’re singing
Is the song of the season
Yeah, I heard what you’re singing
Is the song of the season
You’re a clown and a cactus, you’re a kiss and a curse
You’re an offering left out so God will assure
I won’t ever catch my reflection in your eye
Oh, baby, you’re a jester out of work
But I heard what you’re singing
Is the song of the season
Yeah, I heard what you’re singing
Is the song of the season
Jester out of work, of work, of work
Jester out of work, of work, of work
Jester out of work, of work, of work
Jester out of work, of work, of work
Jester out of-
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