Are you looking for It’s All I Can Do Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
It’s All I Can Do by Carson Lueders
One too many times I fell over you
Once in a shadow I finally grew
And once in a night I dreamed you were there
I canceled my flight from going nowhere
It’s all I can do
To keep waiting for you
It’s all I can do
It’s all I can do
(it’s all I can do)
One too many times I twisted the gate
When I was crazy I thought you were great
I kept my renditions of you on the wall
Where holiday romance is nothing at all
It’s all I can do
To keep waiting for you
It’s all I can do
It’s all I can do
(it’s all I can do)
You wait in the wing like a Saturday flirt
Protecting the judge, you don’t want to get hurt
And once in a moment it all comes to you
As soon as you get it you want something new
It’s all I can do
To keep waiting for you
It’s all I can do
It’s all I can do
(it’s all I can do)
It’s all I can do
To keep waiting for you
It’s all I can do
It’s all I can do
(it’s all I can do)
It’s all I can do
To keep waiting for you
It’s all I can do
It’s all I can do
(it’s all I can do)
[repeat, fade]
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