Isolation Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Isolation Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Isolation by Jeff Beck

People say we’ve got it made
Don’t they know we’re so afraid?

We’re afraid to be alone
Everybody got to have a home
I… Isolation

Just a boy and a little girl
Tryin’ to change the whole wide world
I… Isolation

The world is just a little town
Everybody trying to put us down
I… Isolation

I don’t expect you
To understand
After you’ve caused
So much pain
But then again
You’re not to blame
You’re just a human
A victim of the insane

We’re afraid of everyone
Afraid of the sun
I… Isolation

The sun will never disappear
But the world may not have many years
I… Isolation

I don’t expect you
To understand
After you’ve caused
So much pain
But then again
You’re not to blame
You’re just a human
A victim of the insane
Victim of the insane

People say we’ve got it made
Don’t they know we’re so afraid?
I… I…

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