Intonent Hodie Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Intonent Hodie Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Intonent Hodie by Paul Kelly

Intonent hodie voces ecclesie
Dies letitie
Refulsit in mundo ergo letabundo
Corde jubilemo et ore jucundo

Sanctus hic inclitus domino subditus
In cunis positus
Ubera vitabat, corpus macerabat
Et ter in sabbato puer jejunabat

Parenti misero submerso puero
Mari pestifero
Dedit quod petivit, preces exaudivit
Submersum puerum patris custodivit

Tribus virginibus victu carentibus
(Auri egentibus)
Reddidit honorem, subtraxit errorem
Reddens virginibus virgineum florem

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