Are you looking for Into the Blue Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Into the Blue by Broken Bells
[Verse 1]
Oh, the lapping lives in time
Cross and fade and intertwine
When love and chaos combine
Wood no one ever wants, you find in large amounts
You fall into the blue, then it’s gone
I could feel it guided me
And there was nothing I could bring
To rein it in, to put the fire out
[Chorus] Hey, you’re here, down
Wood no one ever wants, you find in large amounts
You fall into the blue, then it’s gone [Outro] Falling through the [?] ([?])
Falling through the [?] ([?])
Falling through the [?] ([?])
Falling through the [?] ([?])
Falling through the [?] ([?])
Falling (Falling)
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