Are you looking for Initiation Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Initiation by Monolith
Will you satisfy this need
To become worthy of the name of Man?
Will you sacrifice your greed
To become holy as you were made to be?
??So, you think you’ve got it?
You’ve got what it takes?
What have you done to earn this?
You’ve got to pay for the name.
It’s not just for anyone.
Get out while you can.
I bet you’ll never be worthy.
Do you call yourself a man??
If you can overcome all of my discipline,
If you can suffer through, you’ll see.
??Oh, it’s never ending,
You’ll never be free.
He only asks for more.
He’ll take it all away.
I’ll give you everything.
You want to be king?
All the comfort you’ve ever wanted,
Just have a drink with me.?
You’ll be put to the test as gold through fire,
But how great is your destiny.
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