Infinince or Infinity? Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Infinince or Infinity? Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Infinince or Infinity? by Terence Etc.

Let’s say
That you are happy
You left
The skies of Paris
Let’s say
You don’t have much time
Burn your lies
And let’s say
Your head is in the clouds
And you change your charm
Depending on the crowd
Of course you’re anywhere
Except inside your ban*lities
Of course you’re everywhere
Except where you’re
Supposed to be

I’ve determined that it’s all in your dreams
Or in infinity
Or maybe in insanity
Or in your dreams
Yeah you belong in your dreams
That’s where to be
’cause it’s beautiful in your dreams
I love your dreams
As long as they include me
Tell me that I’m in your dreams
Please tell me that you dream of me

Let’s say
That you are damned
The girl part of you
You don’t understand
Let’s pray
You graced by me
We’re so in love
With secrets, aren’t we?
And let’s pray
That I’m between stay and leave
And reciprocity
You don’t know what that means
Let’s pray
That I can forget
And try and feel what will come next
Let’s say that you were some dust
And you were swept away
By some real strong wind one night
Where have you landed?
If not in my fragile sky

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I’ve determined that it’s in your dreams
Or in infinity
Or maybe in insanity
Or in your dreams
Yeah you belong in your dreams
That’s where to be
’cause it’s beautiful in your dreams
I love your dreams
As long as they include me
Tell me that I’m in your dreams
Please tell me that you dream of me…

[Woman’s Voice] Pessimism, practicality, cynicism, realism, comfort zones
I’m actually against all these things…
But at least with him, I still act on them

Today I wore the same clothes
The ones with the pain on
Cut from the same cloth
These kinds
Don’t come off
I’m in the mirror and I can’t believe
I’m the same as the old me
What’s the use Imma die alone
Same mistakes, same home
Different daddy same mom
Same issues
Different cause for alarm
But now you dreaming of a new cat
With bread
And status and all that
But wait for your boy for a few years
See what kind of decisions you make
While you living in fear

You’ll be through with him quickly
If not literally
Then existentially
And me?
I’ll still be around
In your head, when you lay down
Inconvenient, inconvenient
I know it sounds glum
I’m easier to dream about
Than I am to love

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