Are you looking for In Stillness We Remain Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
In Stillness We Remain by Woman’s Hour
If I were you
I think I wouldn’t listen
If I were you
I think I couldn’t sleep
I think I would wish for some light relief
To feel like no one else could see
If I were you
I’d dance around the answers
I’d try to clasp my hands around these thoughts
Take me I will follow
Speak and we can fall into the yellow of last September
I will be your shadow
You look taller now than I remember
In stillness we remain
If I were you
My tongue would turn in circles
If I could lie
I’d tell you not to doubt
I think I would wish for some light relief
To feel like no one else could see
Take me I will follow
Speak and we can fall into the yellow of last September
I will be your shadow
You look taller now than I remember
In stillness we remain
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