Are you looking for In My Own Sweet Time Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
In My Own Sweet Time by Kristi Hoopes
Verse 1
I may be young
Sometimes in a rush
So much to get done
And there’s not enough hours in the day
No time to waste
I’ve got dreams to chase
I can almost taste them, touch them
See them in my mind
Pre Chorus 1
I’ve got a long way to go
And it’s a winding road
But if I walk like I know where I’m going
Love like I’ll never get hurt
Reach for the stars like they’re not that far
And my lessons are already learned
Drive like I don’t need directions
Sing like I know the words
It may take a while but I don’t mind
I’m gonna get there
In my own sweet time
Verse 2
I may get lost
I might get thrown off
Oh but after all
Isn’t that just part of the ride?
Pre Chorus
I’ll find my way
Oh all it takes
Is to walk like I know where I’m going
Love like I’ll never get hurt
Reach for the stars like they’re not that far
And my lessons are already learned
Drive like I don’t need directions
Sing like I know the words
It may take a while but I don’t mind
I’m gonna get there
In my own sweet time
(Musical Interlude)
I’m gonna get there (I’m gonna get there)
Chorus 3
If I walk like I know where I’m going
Love like I’ll never get hurt
Reach for the stars like they’re not that far
And my lessons are already learned
Drive like I don’t need directions
Sing like I know the words
It may take a while but I don’t mind
I’m gonna get there
In my own sweet time
In my own sweet time
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