Are you looking for Impermanence Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Impermanence by The Cult
Shooting arrows from shadows
Broken and beautiful
In flight
The blood of roses, fallen and risen
The thoughts of this life
Beautiful, broken
Broken and beautiful
Clawing at my tears
Shooting arrows from shadows
Broken and beautiful
So graceful in flight
The blood of roses, fallen and risen
The bones of this life
Beautiful, broken
Broken and beautiful
Clawing my tears
Beautiful, broken
Broken and beautiful
Clawing at my tears
Tears from the dream stream
Ghost ships on fire
Tears from the dream stream
Ghost ships on fire
The blood of roses, fallen and risen
The blood of roses, fallen and risen
Tears from the dream stream
Ghost ships on fire
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