Impeccable Caverns Of Satan Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Impeccable Caverns Of Satan Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Impeccable Caverns Of Satan by Darkthrone

Know your enemy!
I have no pulse and I will never cease
Pour yourself the blindest of stupors
Unsee the ones that died where you’re now trapped

Mistaking evil for a wretched life
You demonize yourself
Your maze, your fate should you ever stumble out
Maced in the impeccable caverns of Satan

What is the inner nature
Of someone forest-scared?

No reflections from my hilltop lookout
As I have simply turned my back and left

But the road there can be ugly
You want to try an honest inner drive
In a way, we are all criminals
Roaming hallways full of empty gestures

Mistaking evil for a wretched life
You demonize yourself
Your maze is your fate, only walls to be found
And maced by the impeccable caverns of Satan

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