Are you looking for I Can’t Sleep My Eyes Are Flat Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
I Can’t Sleep My Eyes Are Flat by Margot & The Nuclear So And So’s
I can’t sleep, my eyes are flat.
Oh no, something is wrong.
Nothing ever bothers me, I’m happy as a dog.
I can’t sleep, I’m goin’ broke.
Hard love, now in my bones.
I can’t sleep, it smells like smoke.
You drive me crazy sometimes.
I can’t sleep, I’m goin’ bald.
Tooth ache, I’m spending my soul.
I can’t sleep these days at all.
You drive me crazy sometimes.
You really drive me crazy sometimes. [3x]
I can’t sleep, my eyes are flat. [4x]
You drive me crazy sometimes.
You really drive me crazy sometimes. [5x]
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