I Am Here Song Lyrics


Are you looking for I Am Here Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

I Am Here by Ben Abraham

Give me hands I can hold
Give me hands I can hold
I have no use for your silver or gold
Give me hands I can hold

Give me milk for my feed
Give me milk for my feed
A mother’s communion is all that I need
Give me milk for my feed

And I love
And I fear
And I am here

Give me something to do
Give me something to do
A road that is long and a path that is true
Give me something to do

Give me someone to love
Give me someone to love
Show me the other that I’m dreaming of
Give me someone to love

And I love
And I fear
And I am here

Let me be angry and wrong in my youth
Let me find fire in searching for truth
Let the wheel keep on spinning me round and then when I am old
Give me hands I can hold

La la la la la
La la la la la

Give me light to get home
Give me light to get home
Oh may I learn we were never alone
Give me light to get home

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