human fly Song Lyrics


Are you looking for human fly Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

human fly by Lil Ugly Mane

You treat mistakes like a museum
You always stand there looking parched
There’s not some tapestry of reason
There is no fabric made of stars

So early on a Thursday I sat with a baby
He told me what’s happening lately
A fictitious account of riddles and clues

The devil said dance with my daughter
I said I’d consider the offer
If when I die I can wear your cloven shoes

How are you surprised
That the bluest sky loses hue at night?
I’m a human fly, I’m a human fly
I’m a human fly, I’m a human fly
I’m a human fly

How are you surprised
That the bluest sky loses hue at night?
I’m a human fly, I’m a human fly
I’m a human fly, I’m a human fly
I’m a human fly

How are you surprised
That the bluest sky loses hue at night?
I’m a human fly, I’m a human fly
I’m a human fly, I’m a human fly
I’m a human fly

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