Are you looking for Hollow Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Hollow by Akiko Shikata
Tu fui ego eris, Odi et Amo
Tempus est quaedam pars aeternitatis
Domina omnium et regina ratio est
The web of our life is of a mingled yard
Legitimate and vile gathered
None of less how beauteous mankind is
Wee, both in the Catacombe
Estranged from the Salvation
Grif thyself, Thy pleasant past days neer revive
Thy silent dewe shedd exhausted
Gracious the liberation, Thou art not bandage but conqure
Lipp dip on strange crimson fruit,
Gout of sweet honey sweet
Utinam tam facile vera invera possem quam facile convincere
Light, seeking light doth light of light beguile
You shew no thawn
The dust of flower petals, unspoken
It doth not leave no trace to posterity
Sneer at loud at thy flesh thorn
Pick up thine incarnadine Crowne
Stuggle writhe even though Darkness unshaken off trash
Hideous trash
Praise thy thirst as bodie desious
Plenty water meet thine a demand
Full the thirst as much to drown make amends for Hollow
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