High Speed Steel Song Lyrics


Are you looking for High Speed Steel Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

High Speed Steel by Municipal Waste

You feel the rush
You can’t control
Your mind is blank

The pressure’s on
No giving up
It’s time to crank

The power fuels your urge to rock this place to hell
The energy begins to surge and start to swell

Born from iron, strong as steel
Faster than all hell on wheels
Reaching speeds from the unknown
Racing to the terror zone

Made of metal
Standing tall as one
Charging to the top
It can and will be done

A conquest of sound
That’s far too real
Fighting the way back with high speed steel

Born from iron, strong as steel
Faster than all hell on wheels
Reaching speeds from the unknown
Racing to the terror zone



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