Are you looking for Heart Filled Up Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Heart Filled Up by Paolo Nutini
I’m a helpless lethargic, constantly waiting for my fun
Head’s all fuzzy, laid there like a loaded gun
I’m a helpless romantic, I could just dream the day away
Alone and nostalgic, dreaming of yesterday
Heart filled up, I can’t wait to see your face
Heart filled up, I can’t wait to see your face
I’m a helpless lethargic, constantly waiting for my fun
Head’s all fuzzy, laid there like a loaded gun
I’m a helpless romantic, I could just dream the day away
Alone and nostalgic, dreaming of yesterday
Heart filled up, I can’t wait to see your face
Heart filled up, I can’t wait to see your face
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