Hard 2 Love Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Hard 2 Love Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Hard 2 Love by Mark Tuan

Frost on my skin
I’ve been cold for so long
I don’t care if I’m wrong anymore
And it sucks
When I get what I want
But the feelings are gone
Out the door

Ain’t nobody been calling me as of lately
They got me thinking the people around me hate me
And I’ve always felt like I’m so
Hard to hug
Hard to touch
Hard to hold
Hard to trust
Hard to love

I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to hard to
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to love
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to hard to
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to love
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to hard to
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to love
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to hard to
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to love

Burns from the sun
I’ll be standing outside
Till the day and the night are over
When I run
Not a soul by my side
All alone for the ride

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Ain’t nobody been calling me as of lately
They got me thinking the people around me hate me
And I’ve always felt like I’m so
Hard to hug
Hard to touch
Hard to hold
Hard to trust
Hard to love

I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to hard to
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to love
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to hard to
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to love
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to hard to
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to love
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to hard to
I’m so hard to love, I’m so I’m so hard to love

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