Half As Fine Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Half As Fine Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Half As Fine by The Homewreckers

You know I’m out with my baby and we’re walking on down the street
And all the other boys wishin’ they could find one nearly half as sweet
I’m out with my, you know I’m talking about my baby
You know I’m talkin’ about my baby
Let me tell you boys that this one’s mine
Ain’t no way you’re gonna’ find one half as fine as my baby
Half as fine as my baby
You know I’m out with my baby, for a night on the town
And I don’t even notice if there’s other girls hangin’ around
Out with my, out with my baby, you know I’m talkin’ about my baby
Yes, that girl’s one you just can’t miss
I’d walk a mile for the sweetness of just one kiss
Of just one kiss
Well I’ve been out with other girls but this feeling just wasn’t the
Couldn’t help thinkin’ they was playin’ some stupid game
I don’t need it
I don’t get it with my baby
You know I’m talkin’ about my baby
Let me tell you boys that this one’s mine
Ain’t no way you’re gonna’ find one half as fine as my baby
Half as fine as my baby
Half as fine as my baby
Half as fine as my baby
Half as fine as my baby
Half as fine as my baby
Half as fine as my baby
Half as fine as my baby

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